Men are weird and seem completely unable to pay attention to details. Yesterday my husband sold his truck and is not picking up his new one until Friday. We work together, so he was planning to ride to work with me as usual this morning, but my son had a dentist appointment and I was going to be late. So hubby calls in and just says I'll be late, Pea Pie has a dentist appointment... I was standing there saying TELL THEM WHY (as in that he didn't have a vehicle) thinking that they would wonder why he needed to be at this dentist appointment. But, he didn't. Men...Weird...
Pea-Pie was told this morning that he won't have to have braces after all! YAY SAVING MONEY!
My right eardrum has had what sounds like a bass drum beating up a storm in it for a week. If that means I have some kind of weird health problem, I don't even want to know about it.
The extremely hot lumberjack looking fellow who powerwashes the lot is here today. It's not hot enough for him to take his shirt off... COME ON SUMMER!
I took my second art class last night (from my high school art teacher who is a super cool lady) and I am so excited about learning to draw and paint that I woke up this morning singing about it.
My husband thinks I'M WEIRD.
The other blogs I read are talking about wordless Tuesday or some such thing. I don't know anything about it, but I AM going to shutty now.
Elbows Up
3 days ago
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