Lawdy Lawdy Lawdy, I'm a tired one today. And frankly, am having a very hard time getting into the groove of work. Ick. Glaringly mundane after such a weekend (still very thankful to have a job in this economy, though).
The weekend was better than I could have imagined. I mentioned Friday what the plans were, now I'll tell you how it actually went:
Showed up in Eureka Springs a little before eight on Saturday and met the man who puts the Blues Fest on. He was one of those rare, AMAZING human beings that you only occasionally get the opportunity to meet. Great personality, so friendly you immediately feel like you've known him forever and just full of the greatest stories from the Blues world that you could imagine. Now, it would have been enough just to have met him, but he turned around and introduced me to the man who runs the Greater Ozarks Blues Festival in Springfield, Missouri and that guy invited me to do artist hospitality this Fall at his Festival. At this point I was just about to fall over from excitement. THEN, I got to meet one of the board members of the International Blues Competition in Memphis. Knock me over with a feather!
It doesn't matter if you're a Blues Fan. Pick whatever genre you love and imagine meeting the equivalent folks. Surreal. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I turn around and see my son helping King Clarentz (Clarence Brewer) carry some of his equipment into the Auditorium. I did manage to grab my camera and take pictures which I will post later.
After our volunteering was done, we headed up to Spring Street Candle and hung out with Mike and Sonny for a couple of hours while waiting on my mom and uncle to get there so we could have lunch before Pea-Pie and I headed home.
I just realized I've been sounding like a paid commercial for Eureka Springs. I'm not being paid, I swear, it's just THAT MAGICAL!
Sunday, I laid around and watched movies. That's it. I was and am exhausted from about 3 weeks straight of running running running!
Elbows Up
4 days ago
Sounds like it as a great day! Get your rest.